1 Corinthians 15:5-11 | We Have Seen Him
Intro In our modern jurisprudence we are most familiar with “eyewitness” testimony but there are many other types of evidence called “circumstantial”. The question is how can the jury determine if the evidence being presented is the truth? The answer…
Good Friday – BVCC
Ephesians 4:4-16 | What ever happened to the Church?
Intro Tonight the topic of the teaching is the “Benefits of the fellowship of a church”! There is a great mystery looking at the Church today and the first Church of 2000 years ago. Go back and read the gospels…
Kelly Kosky – Suffering – Special Service
Special Service – Kelly Kosky – Feb23
Acts 6:1-6 | Full of Faith and the Holy Spirit – The Only Important Curriculum
Intro Acts 6:1-6 describes an issue that arose within the early Christian community in Jerusalem, where some members of the community felt that their needs were not being met. In particular, the Greek-speaking widows were not receiving their fair share…
Psalms 69:1-6 | Living it out
Intro How can I live through difficulties honoring God? What happens when “life” treats us badly, and things don’t go as we desire. When we do “good”, and the situation is not better, doesn’t improve. When people treat us “unjustly”.…
Genesis 22:1-14 | Faith vs. Sight
Intro The story is significant in the Bible as an example of Abraham’s unwavering obedience and faith in God, even to the point of being willing to sacrifice his own son. It is also interpreted as a foreshadowing of the…
2 John | Love in the truth – New Year’s Service
Chp. 1:1-3 Introduction We begin a new study this morning and it will be a brief on as we in are in the shortest book in the Bible the little letter of 2 John. We ought not think that just…
Colossians 1:15-17 | He’s got the whole world in His hands – Christmas’ Eve Service
Intro. Charles Wesley wrote a wonderful Hymn: “Hark, The Herald Angels Sing”, in it is a line that comes right from this letter as Wesley wrote of Jesus: “Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail the Incarnate Deity.” These words…