Revelation 2:12-29 | Compromised and Corrupted Churches
I. Intro Pergamos was located 20 miles from the Mediterranean Sea and was known as the greatest city in Asia Minor. Its importance was not commercial but religious as it was the first city to have a temple dedicated to…
Revelation 2:1-11 | Sweet and Sour Churches – Recap
I. Intro II. Vs. 1-7 Desiring the desired One III. Vs. 8-11 Bitter blessings I. Intro These words of Jesus not only fit the time frame in which they were written but also different church ages, as well as different…
Revelation 2:1-11 | Sweet and sour churches
I. Intro II. Vs. 1-7 Desiring the desired One III. Vs. 8-11 Bitter blessings I. Intro These words of Jesus not only fit the time frame in which they were written but also different church ages, as well as different…
Revelation 1:9-20 | Turning to see the voice
I. Intro II. Vs. 9-16 What John heard and saw III. Vs. 17-20 Let’s meet the author I. Intro In the first eight verses John introduced us to 7 specific things about the book: Purpose Origin Keys to understanding it…
Revelation 1:1-8 | The Unveiling of Jesus
I. Intro II. Vs. 1-3 Purpose, origin, keys, and benefits of the book III. Vs. 4-8 Destination, dedication, and theme of the book I. Intro Over the centuries since John wrote this book of the things, which he heard, saw…
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