1 John 2:28-3:3 | What Manner of Love
Intro Verse 2:28 is a bridge verse as the Apostle John links what he wants to write next with what he has been saying. So, this verse is a look backwards as well as a look forward. The point of…
1 John 2:24-27 | Truth Verse False – Part III
Intro We now move to the last part of Apostle John’s words on the self-test of WALKING IN TRUTH 2:18-27 Truth. In this section John has developed the teaching by breaking apart these verses three ways: Vs.18-21 Where we noted…
1 John 2:20-23 | True Versus False – Part II
Intro The Apostle John’s letter was addressing the greatest blessing in life…”fellowship with God”. His letter addresses what he had observed in the church and that was that it had to be more than intellectual agreement with truth…it had to…
1 John 2:18-21 | True Versus False
Intro The Apostle John’s letter was addressing the greatest blessing in life… “fellowship with God”. His letter addresses what he had observed in the church and that was that it had to be more than intellectual agreement with truth…it had…
1 John 2:15-17 | Two Loves
Intro The plan of God from the beginning is to reestablish fellowship with fallen humanity. John declares that this experience with him was the single most blessed experience he has had in his life. The impact that Jesus had upon…
1 John 2:12-14 | Three Stages of Maturity
Intro It’s been a few weeks since we were in the apostle John’s first letter, and we left off with the second of two “two personal tests” to indicate to ourselves our position as true believers of Christ. They indicate…
1 John 2:7-11 | The Commandment, False Claim and Contrast – Part II
Intro John offers these “two personal tests” to indicate our position as true believers of Christ. They indicate the transformative work of Christ seen two ways. Test 1: 2:3-6 Obedience Test 2: 2:7-11 Love ow can H Last week our…
1 John 2:7-11 | The Commandment, False Claim and Contrast – Part I
Intro John offers these “two personal tests” to indicate our position as true believers of Christ. They indicate the transformative work of Christ seen two ways. Test 1: 2:3-6 Obedience Test 2: 2:7-11 Love ow can H Last week our…
1 John 2:7 | Walking In Love
Intro We are now into the section of the Apostle John’s that starts with the phrase “NOW by this we know”. It is here that John offers a twofold test to the believer as to see if they are indeed…
1 John 2:3-6 | Two Self-Tests of Walking In The Light
Intro It is generally thought that in this section John begins a new thought as he starts the section with the phrase “NOW by this we know”. Yet I would argue the force of this phrase is a continuation of…