• Romans 4:1-12 | Worth Before Works

    Intro The final 11 verses of chapter 3 must have blown the minds of the readers of Paul’s letter; “Self-worth, value, apart from doing or keeping anything?” Such teaching goes against all of human nature, against all religions and philosophies.…

  • Romans 3:21-31 | But Now

    Intro After Paul’s assessment of the human condition, you can almost hear a sigh of relief. Paul has proved that all humans are sinners; now he explains how all sinners can be saved. In verse 21 God’s answer to man’s…

  • Romans 3:9-20 | We’re Bad; Good! 

    Intro You go in for a routine checkup and you think to yourself, “I’m in good shape, upright and mobile, know a lot of folks who can’t say that. Don’t drink, smoke, I exercise and watch my weight.” The Dr.…

  • Romans 2:17-29 | Like God, Like People?

    Intro In verse 11 Paul wrote to the moralist that with God there is no respecter of persons, but the religious Jew would be thinking, “That is true with moral and immoral Gentiles but not when compared with religious Jews!”…

  • Romans 2:1-16 | Games People Play

    Intro In chapter 1:18 Paul declared that the “wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men”. The moralist and the self-righteous would be quick to agree indicting the “obvious sinner”. In the 2nd chapter…