Malachi | Jesus the New Covenant
Chapters 1:1-1:5 Chapters 1:6-3:15 Chapters 3:16-4:6 The book of Malachi was written almost 100 years after Haggai and Zechariah (the 1st and 2nd of the post-exile prophets). He writes during the seven year absence of Nehemiah who went back to…
Zechariah | Jesus The Servant King – Part 2
Chapters 1-6 A night of visions Chapters 7-8 God’s answer to questions Chapters 9-14 A future and a hope Zechariah, the 2nd chronologically of the post-exile prophets after Haggai before Malachi is mentioned in Ezra along with Haggai who prophesied…
Zechariah | Jesus the Servant King – Part 1
Chapters 1-6 A night of visions Chapters 7-8 God’s answer to questions Chapters 9-14 A future and a hope Zechariah is the 2nd chronologically of the post-exile prophets (Haggai being the first then Malachi). Ezra the priest mentions him twice…
Haggai | Jesus Our Temple
Chapters 1 A message to hands: “Be productive” Chapter 2:1-9 A message to hearts: “Be patient” Chapter 2:10-23 A message to heads: “Be prosperous” Haggai is the 2nd shortest book in the OT (1,131 words in 38 verses in 2…
Zephaniah | Jesus the Victor in our Midst
Chapters 1-3:8 A bad day Chapter 3:9-20 A good day Zephaniah speaks to Judah prior to the Babylonian captivity and was a contemporary of Jeremiah. He speaks of the “Day of the Lord” and the coming judgment of the nation…
Habakkuk | Jesus the light of the World
Chapters 1-2 Troubled faith Chapter 3 Triumphant faith Based upon the text we believe Habakkuk was a priest that was involved in worship in the temple, (The third chapter is a psalm). It is believed by most that Habakkuk wrote…
Nahum | Jesus the Avenger
Chapter 1 What God will do Chapter 2 How God will do it Chapter 3 Why God will do it Ok when was the last time you heard a message taught out of the book of Nahum or for that…
Micah | Jesus the Righteous Ruler
Chapters 1-3 God’s Retribution Chapters 4-5 God’s Restoration Chapters 6-7 God’s Reconciliation Micah’s ministry lasted 40 years during a time the 10 northern tribes of Israel were engaged in a not so civil war against their southern brothers of Judah…
Jonah | Jesus the Missionary to all People
Chapters 1-2 The Prodigal Prophet Chapters 3-4 A Change of Heart Last week we looked the first of two small books both with prophecies to gentile nations; Obadiah writes to the Edomites (descendants of Esau) and Johan writes of his…
Obadiah | Jesus the Deliverer
Chapter 1: 1-18 The End of Edom Chapter 1:19-21 Future blessing of Israel The next two books on our tour through the Bible are two small prophecies to gentile nations, Obadiah writes to the Edomites (descendants of Esau) and Johan…