• 1 John 2:18-21 | True Versus False

    Intro The Apostle John’s letter was addressing the greatest blessing in life… “fellowship with God”. His letter addresses what he had observed in the church and that was that it had to be more than intellectual agreement with truth…it had…

  • Romans 2:1-16 | Games People Play

    Intro In chapter 1:18 Paul declared that the “wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men”. The moralist and the self-righteous would be quick to agree indicting the “obvious sinner”. In the 2nd chapter…

  • Romans 1:18-32 | Four Stages of a Godless Society

    Intro Paul declared that the “righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith” now from verse 18 to chapter 3:20 he precedes to show his readers that man has no righteousness of his own both by nature and choice…

  • 1 John 2:15-17 | Two Loves

    Intro The plan of God from the beginning is to reestablish fellowship with fallen humanity. John declares that this experience with him was the single most blessed experience he has had in his life. The impact that Jesus had upon…

  • Romans 1:8-17 | I Am Not Ashamed

    Intro Rome was a city where Caesar Nero would dress thousands of Christians in the skins of lambs and throw them to the lions taunting them saying, “Where is your Good Shepherd now?” He would dip Christians in hot wax…

  • 1 John 2:12-14 | Three Stages of Maturity

    Intro It’s been a few weeks since we were in the apostle John’s first letter, and we left off with the second of two “two personal tests” to indicate to ourselves our position as true believers of Christ. They indicate…

  • Romans 1:1-7 | To All Who Are Called Saints

    Intro Paul spent 10 years from A.D. 47 to 57 in evangelizing the territories east and west of the Aegean Sea. During those years he concentrated on Roman provinces of Galatia, Macedonia, Achaia, and Asia. His first campaign concluded with…

  • Romans – The Righteousness of God Revealed – Outline

    1. Introduction: 1:1-15 A. Greetings: 1:1-7 B. Thanksgiving: 1:8-15 2. Statement of Purpose:  1:16-17 “The Righteousness of God Revealed” 3. Main Teaching: 1:18-15:13    A. Chp. 1:18-4:25 Coming under Grace B. Chp. 5:1-8:39 Living under Grace C. Chp. 9:1-11:36 Overflow of…

  • John 20:19-29 | Life In His Name   

    Resurrection Sunday Intro In John chapter 20 the first 23 verses conclude the events on the first Resurrection Sunday but our focus this morning won’t be on those important truths instead we will look at how Jesus handled the doubters…

  • John 19:25-30 | Seven Words From The Wood  

    Good Friday Intro Devotion is a difficult thing to measure but one thing is for certain, it can’t be measured by words alone but by action. Consider the following truths: When Jesus began His ministry with works and words the…