• 1 John 3:7-10 | Two Fathers

    Intro To take our study of 1st John starting from verses 3:4-12 would be unfair to the heart in which the Holy Spirit wanted to communicate through John. John made certain that what he was about to say about SIN…

  • Romans 3:21-31 | But Now

    Intro After Paul’s assessment of the human condition, you can almost hear a sigh of relief. Paul has proved that all humans are sinners; now he explains how all sinners can be saved. In verse 21 God’s answer to man’s…

  • 1 John 3:4-6 | Practicing Righteousness

    Intro The start of chapter 3 makes it abundantly clear that John is address the true child of God who is enjoying the benefits of their relationship with God. As we noted last week in 2:28 John used    three words…

  • Romans 3:9-20 | We’re Bad; Good! 

    Intro You go in for a routine checkup and you think to yourself, “I’m in good shape, upright and mobile, know a lot of folks who can’t say that. Don’t drink, smoke, I exercise and watch my weight.” The Dr.…

  • 1 John 2:28-3:3 | What Manner of Love

    Intro Verse 2:28 is a bridge verse as the Apostle John links what he wants to write next with what he has been saying. So, this verse is a look backwards as well as a look forward. The point of…

  • 1 John 2:24-27 | Truth Verse False – Part III

    Intro We now move to the last part of Apostle John’s words on the self-test of WALKING IN TRUTH 2:18-27 Truth. In this section John has developed the teaching by breaking apart these verses three ways: Vs.18-21 Where we noted…

  • 1 John 2:20-23 | True Versus False – Part II

    Intro The Apostle John’s letter was addressing the greatest blessing in life…”fellowship with God”. His letter addresses what he had observed in the church and that was that it had to be more than intellectual agreement with truth…it had to…

  • Romans 2:17-29 | Like God, Like People?

    Intro In verse 11 Paul wrote to the moralist that with God there is no respecter of persons, but the religious Jew would be thinking, “That is true with moral and immoral Gentiles but not when compared with religious Jews!”…