• 1 John 4:11-12 | God’s Love Perfected

    Intro We are still examining God’s love in 1st John chapter 4:7-21 and specifically the exhortation to love one another. The apostle’s style of writing was very lyrical as he repeated words and phrases like a song writer would repeat…

  • Romans 5:12-21 | Because of One Man

    Intro In Ray Stedman’s book “Authentic Christianity” he describes one of the marks of an “Authentic Christian” as “Unquenchable Optimism” which describes the reality that the believer in Christ always has reasons for rejoicing. I remember hearing one of my…

  • 1 John 3:18-24 | The Antidote To Hate

    Intro This morning we take up the antidote to the three examples in “types of human relationships” that should NOT be in the body of Christ. Vs. 12 Murder Vs. 13-15 Hatred Vs. 16-17 Indifference As we shall examine what…

  • 1 John 3:13-17 | Loving one another – Part II

    Intro The third chapter of John’s first letter is a contrast between two different groups of people the Child of God and the Child of the devil. In verse 10 John wrote, “Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of…

  • 1 John 3:11-12 | Loving One Another – Part I

    Intro John’s letter of 1st John has a circular nature to it as he continues writing about “fellowship with God” from three things that are keys to maintaining it: Obedience, Love, and Truth! Each time John returns to one of…

  • Romans 4:1-12 | Worth Before Works

    Intro The final 11 verses of chapter 3 must have blown the minds of the readers of Paul’s letter; “Self-worth, value, apart from doing or keeping anything?” Such teaching goes against all of human nature, against all religions and philosophies.…