• Romans 14:1-12 | About Diets and Days

    Intro Having dealt with Christian Civics Paul now takes up yet another touchy subject, Christian Ethics. The dictionary describes “Ethics” as a philosophy that deals with what is good and bad, right, and wrong, moral duty and obligation. Often the…

  • Romans 13:8-14 | Living on the Edge

    Intro We come now to the 2nd and 3rd parts of this chapter as Paul has been giving us a civics lesson on how to be godly citizens to the “powers that be”. I’m amazed at how the one phrase…

  • Romans 13:1-7 | Lessons in Civics

    Intro In the 12th chapter Paul dealt with the obligations of love; those within the body of Christ and those outside the body of Christ. Now Paul points out that we have obligations to love outside these personal relationships to…

  • Romans 12:9-21 | Need a Hug

    Intro A man was walking by a used bookstore and saw a book that intrigued him by what he thought was its title “How to Hug”. When he went in to purchase the book he was disappointed because instead of…

  • Jude 1:8-10 | Characteristics of Apostasy

    Intro When were last in the little letter of Jude we were examining verse 7 and the example of the Residents of Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember that all of the teaching in this section is in the main body of…

  • Romans 12:3-8 | A Change of Mind

    Intro In the 2nd verse Paul told his readers to be “transformed by the renewing of their minds” the rest of the chapter will explain specifically what it means to have a change of mind!             After many years of…

  • Ephesians 4:4-16 | What ever happened to the Church?

    Intro Tonight the topic of the teaching is the “Benefits of the fellowship of a church”! There is a great mystery looking at the Church today and the first Church of 2000 years ago. Go back and read the gospels…

  • Jude 1:7 | Progression of False Teachers

    Intro We will take up where we left off in Jude verse 7 but first a quick review for those that missed last week. All of this teaching is in the section that is the main body of teaching. Jude’s…