• 1 John | Overview

    Intro The Bible, as literature, can be compared to great architecture; mathematical and sequential, where each brick, stone or board is placed upon another precisely fitted to enhance the structure and encase the beauty of the building. This is noticed…

  • I John – Outline | Fellowship

    This is the outline we will use to study the book of I John Chp. 1:1-4 Introduction: “The Basis of Fellowship”: Fellowship with God Chp. 1:5, 2:1, 26 and 5:13 Statement of purpose:  “The Objectives of Fellowship”:     “These things we…

  • Revelation 13:1-18 | Two Blasphemous Beasts – Part II

    Intro The 12th chapter introduced us to warfare in heaven and after satan is disposed from heaven warfare breaks out on earth. The 13th chapter gives us a more detailed examination of this warfare as it centers on two men that John…

  • 2 Peter 3:18 | How Do I Apply It? – Part II

    Intro Last week we started the close of Peter’s 2nd letter with the “Devine expectation” and the “Believer’s responsibility” to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” We noted the expectation and responsibility…(GROW)…

  • Revelation 13:1-18 | Two Blasphemous Beasts – Part I

    Intro The 12th chapter introduced us to warfare in heaven and after satan is disposed from heaven warfare breaks out on earth. The 13th chapter gives us a more detailed examination of this warfare as it centers on two men…

  • 2 Peter 3:18 | What Does It Mean? – Part I

    Intro Today we close Peter’s 2nd letter with what can only be described as the “Devine expectation” and the “Believer’s responsibility” to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” The very first word…

  • Relationship Refurbish – Conference 2021

    Conference on relationships and marriage. The main relationship we need to fix is ours with the Lord and change our own attitudes instead of trying to change other’s. Colossians 3:12-13 “New Outfit, New Outlook” I. Intro. In chapter 3 verses…

  • Revelation 12:1-17 | Spiritual Warfare

    Intro In chapters 10-14 the chronological progress of this book comes to a standstill as John is shone things that have taken place through all of time. The reason for this is so the reader will understand how the events…

  • Genesis 32:1-32 | Life’s Struggle – Special Study

    Intro There is perhaps no greater chapter in all the Bible that illustrates the death of the old nature then the one before us. Three times in scripture Paul uses the phrase “old man” in reference to our flesh: Rom.…