
Snippets | 2 Peter 1:12-15 “Appropriators of truth”

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Having concluded last week Peter’s reason for writing the letter in 1:5-11 we now move to the main body of teaching which will support the reason he wrote it.  Peter addressed his words to a church was very eager to grow in Christ but was susceptible to false teachers. He wanted them to: “Finish out their faith by applying what God had furnished”! Peter understood from his own 3 ½ years of walking with Jesus on earth as well as his 30 years of walking with Jesus that the “The Christian will not be able to function as He has created them UNTIL and UNLESS they are certain of His lasting love”. Christian maturity is the theme of this little letter and Peter will now write with regards to “Three things” they need to remember through the rest of his letter to them if they are to continue to grow in grace as I’ve outlined this letter:

  1. 1:12-21 Confidence in the Word of God
  2. 2:1-22 Condemnation of Counterfeits
  3. 3:1-16 Certainty of Our Lord’s Return

Another interesting fact in examining the text before us this morning is Peter’s threefold exhortation in these four verses (either directly or by implication) as he states that what he is about to deliver to them is NOT “NEW INFORMATION” but rather things they needed to be “reminded about”. This statement clearly was placed by Peter to emphasis the antidote and truth to that which the Gnostic’s were peddling: The problem with the first century Christian was not in having “enough” or “up to date or “complete” knowledge it is was rather that they had forgotten what they already had in the “knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (verse 2). This I’m afraid is not just an early church condition but rather a human condition. “Our most difficult challenges to personal growth and spiritual maturity doesn’t come about due to a LACK of INFORMATION but rather from a LACK of APPLICATION!”

            Saints, I can’t wait to share these truths with you so come with prepared hearts! Come join us in person at both of our service at 9 AM and 11AM. Or you can watch us live at those same two times at two locations on the internet on our website and Facebook. If you aren’t able to watch live you can always come back at a better time and watch the archived messages. One final reminder and that us please remember that you can both send and receive prayers by signing up at

Alright family let’s get ready to have another encounter with the living God.

This has been pastor Dale, Blessings!