Erick Irias,  Special Services

Acts 6:1-6 | Full of Faith and the Holy Spirit – The Only Important Curriculum

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Acts 6:1-6 describes an issue that arose within the early Christian community in Jerusalem, where some members of the community felt that their needs were not being met.

In particular, the Greek-speaking widows were not receiving their fair share of the daily distribution of food, which was meant to provide for the needs of all members of the community.

To address this issue, the apostles gathered the entire community together and proposed a solution: they would select seven men who were known to be full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and who could be entrusted with the task of overseeing the daily distribution of food.

This would allow the apostles to focus on prayer and the ministry of the word, while ensuring that the needs of all members of the community were being met.

The proposal was well-received by the community, and the apostles selected Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas to serve as the first deacons.

These men were then presented to the apostles, who prayed over them and laid their hands on them, commissioning them to serve the community in this way.

This event is significant because it marks the beginning of a distinct office within the early Christian community: the office of the deacon.

What a deacon is?

In the Christian tradition, a deacon is an ordained minister who is called to serve the church and the community. The word “deacon” comes from the Greek word diakonos, which means “servant” or “minister.”

In the New Testament, deacons are described as being responsible for practical tasks, such as distributing food to the poor and caring for the needs of the community. They were often chosen for their wisdom, compassion, and ability to serve others. In some cases, deacons were also called upon to preach and teach the gospel.

In many Christian denominations today, the role of the deacon is similar to what is described in the New Testament.

Deacons are often involved in caring for the needs of the community, visiting the sick and homebound, and assisting in worship services.

In some denominations, deacons may also be involved in social justice work, evangelism, or other forms of ministry. The specific duties and responsibilities of deacons can vary depending on the denomination and the needs of the community they serve.

Why deacons are important?

Delegating is an important function in any organization, and it is especially important in the church. The early church recognized the importance of delegating responsibilities, as we see in Acts 6 when the apostles appointed seven men to serve as deacons to help with the distribution of food to widows. This allowed the apostles to focus on their primary calling of preaching and teaching the Word of God, while others took care of the practical needs of the community.

Here are a few reasons why delegating is important in the church:

  1. It allows for more effective ministry: When leaders delegate responsibilities to others, it allows them to focus on their own unique calling and gifts. This can make the ministry more effective and efficient, as each person is able to contribute in their own way.
  2. It builds up the body of Christ: Delegating also provides opportunities for others to use their gifts and talents in service to the church. This not only benefits the ministry, but also helps to build up the body of Christ as people are encouraged and equipped to use their gifts for the common good.
  3. It promotes unity and collaboration: Delegating can also promote unity and collaboration within the church, as people work together towards a common goal. This can foster a sense of community and shared purpose, as well as provide opportunities for people to develop relationships and build connections with one another.
  4. It helps to prevent burnout: Delegating responsibilities can also help to prevent burnout among leaders and volunteers, as it ensures that the workload is shared among many people. This can help to prevent fatigue and ensure that people are able to serve the church for the long term.

Overall, delegating is an important function in the church that can help to promote effective ministry, build up the body of Christ, foster unity and collaboration, and prevent burnout. As leaders and volunteers work together to delegate responsibilities and use their gifts in service to the church, they can help to create a healthy and vibrant community of faith.

In Acts 6:5, these six men are listed as being chosen along with Stephen to serve as deacons in the early Christian community in Jerusalem. Here is some information about each of them:

  1. Philip: Philip is mentioned elsewhere in the book of Acts as a prominent figure in the early church. He is known for his evangelistic ministry and for baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40).
  2. Prochorus: Prochorus is not mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament, so little is known about him. Some later traditions hold that he went on to become a bishop.
  3. Nicanor: Nicanor is also not mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament, and little is known about him.
  4. Timon: Timon is not mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament. Some early Christian traditions hold that he went on to become a bishop or martyr.
  5. Parmenas: Parmenas is not mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament. Some early Christian traditions hold that he went on to become a bishop or martyr.
  6. Nicolas: Nicolas is not mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament, and little is known about him. Some early Christian traditions hold that he went on to become a heretic or that he founded a sect called the Nicolaitans, but these claims are disputed.

The book of Acts describes the early years of the Christian church, and it portrays a number of characteristics and qualities that were important to the early Christian community. Here are some additional characteristics found in the book of Acts:

  1. Prayerful: The early Christians were characterized by their devotion to prayer and worship, both individually and corporately.
  2. Generous: The believers in Acts shared their possessions with one another and were willing to sell their property to help those in need.
  3. Bold: The early Christians were willing to speak out about their faith and to face persecution and even death for their beliefs.
  4. Inclusive: The gospel message was shared with people from all backgrounds, including Jews, Gentiles, women, and slaves.
  5. Spirit-led: The early Christians were led by the Holy Spirit, who empowered them to do God’s work and to proclaim the gospel.
  6. Unified: Although the early Christians came from diverse backgrounds and had different opinions, they were able to find common ground and work together for the sake of the gospel.
  7. Mission-oriented: The early Christians were focused on spreading the gospel and making disciples of all nations.
  8. Miraculous: The book of Acts records many instances of miraculous events, including healings, visions, and supernatural signs and wonders.

Stephen is an important figure in the early Christian church who is mentioned in the book of Acts. Here are some key facts about Stephen:

  1. He was one of the seven deacons appointed by the apostles to serve the early Christian community in Jerusalem (Acts 6:1-6).
  2. He was described as a man “full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5).
  3. He was known for his wisdom and his ability to speak persuasively (Acts 6:10).
  4. He performed many signs and wonders among the people, which caused some Jewish leaders to become jealous and angry (Acts 6:8-10).
  5. He was brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council, on charges of blasphemy, and he used the opportunity to give a powerful speech in which he recounted the history of the Jewish people and accused his accusers of rejecting God’s messengers (Acts 7:1-53).
  6. His speech infuriated the Sanhedrin, and they stoned him to death (Acts 7:54-60).
  7. His death marked the beginning of a widespread persecution of Christians in Jerusalem, which led many believers to flee the city and spread the gospel throughout the surrounding regions (Acts 8:1-4).
  8. He is widely regarded as the first Christian martyr, or someone who died for their faith in Jesus Christ.

In Acts 6, Stephen is described as a man “full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5). Here are some of the characteristics of Stephen that are mentioned in this chapter:

  1. Full of faith: Stephen is described as a man who had strong faith in God and was committed to living out his beliefs in his everyday life.
  2. Full of the Holy Spirit: Stephen is said to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which gave him strength and courage to do God’s work.
  3. Wise: Stephen is described as a man who had great wisdom and understanding, which enabled him to speak with eloquence and persuasiveness.
  4. Service-oriented: Stephen was chosen to serve the early Christian community by distributing food to the widows, which shows that he was a man who was willing to help others and serve the needs of his community.
  5. Bold: When Stephen was brought before the Jewish leaders to defend his faith, he spoke boldly and fearlessly, even though he knew that he could face serious consequences.
  6. Persevering: Despite facing opposition and persecution, Stephen remained faithful and continued to speak out for his beliefs, even to the point of death.

The term “Holy Spirit” is often used in Christian theology to refer to the third person of the Trinity, along with God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). According to Christian belief, when a person is “filled with the Holy Spirit,” it means that they have received a special empowering and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

The concept of being filled with the Holy Spirit is found throughout the New Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Book of Acts. In this context, being filled with the Holy Spirit is often associated with experiences of spiritual power, such as speaking in tongues, prophesying, or performing miraculous acts.

How can I apply Full of Faith and the Holy Spirit?

Here are a few ways you can apply being “full of faith and the Holy Spirit” in your life:

  1. Seek to deepen your faith: Being full of faith means trusting in God and His promises, even when circumstances may be difficult. To deepen your faith, you can spend time in prayer, study Scripture, and connect with other believers in your community.
  2. Practice self-control: The Holy Spirit can help us to overcome temptation and live a life that is pleasing to God. To develop self-control, you can cultivate habits such as prayer, fasting, and accountability to help you resist temptation and stay on the path God has set for you.
  3. Serve others: The deacons in Acts 6 were chosen to serve the community, and serving others is an important way to live out your faith. Look for opportunities to serve in your church, community, or workplace, and be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as you seek to help others.
  4. Be a witness: Stephen, who was described as being “full of faith and the Holy Spirit,” was also a powerful witness for Christ, even in the face of opposition. As you live out your faith, look for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with others and be a witness for Him in your daily life.
  5. Trust in God’s provision: The early Christian community in Jerusalem trusted in God to provide for their needs, and as a result, they were able to care for one another and build a strong community. As you seek to live a life of faith and fullness of the Holy Spirit, trust in God’s provision for you and be open to the ways He may be leading you to care for others.

The Only Important Curriculum”

“Full of Faith and the Holy Spirit” and “The Only Important Curriculum” are related in that they both prioritize a relationship with God as the foundation for all other aspects of life.

Being “full of faith and the Holy Spirit” means having a deep and abiding trust in God, and seeking to live in accordance with His will. This requires a personal relationship with God, cultivated through prayer, study of Scripture, and fellowship with other believers. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live in a way that honors God, and gives us the strength and wisdom to navigate the challenges of life.

“The Only Important Curriculum” refers to the idea that the most important thing we can learn is how to love God and love others, as Jesus commanded. This involves developing a heart of compassion and service, and seeking to live a life that reflects the values of God’s Kingdom. This kind of education cannot be found in textbooks or lectures, but is cultivated through a relationship with God and a commitment to living in obedience to His will.

Together, these concepts suggest that the most important thing we can do in life is to develop a deep and abiding relationship with God, seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit and live in accordance with His will. This is the foundation for a life of purpose, meaning, and service to others, and is the only “curriculum” that truly matters.

Chuck Smith emphasized the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit as a key aspect of the Christian life. Here are some of the ways he suggested we can be filled with the Holy Spirit:

  1. Surrender: The first step to being filled with the Holy Spirit is to surrender your life to God. This involves letting go of your own plans and desires, and submitting to God’s will for your life. As you surrender to God, you open yourself up to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.
  2. Prayer: Prayer is a key way to connect with God and invite the Holy Spirit into your life. Chuck Smith emphasized the importance of praying regularly, both individually and with others, and seeking God’s guidance and direction through prayer.
  3. Reading the Bible: Chuck Smith also stressed the importance of reading and studying the Bible as a way to grow in our understanding of God and His will for our lives. As we read the Bible, we open ourselves up to the work of the Holy Spirit, who can help us to understand and apply the truths we encounter in the Scriptures.
  4. Worship: Worship is another key way to connect with God and invite the Holy Spirit into our lives. Chuck Smith encouraged believers to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to cultivate a heart of gratitude and praise.
  5. Obedience: Finally, Chuck Smith emphasized the importance of obedience to God as a key aspect of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As we obey God and His commands, we demonstrate our love for Him and open ourselves up to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

By cultivating these practices in our lives, we can invite the Holy Spirit to work in and through us, and experience the abundant life that Jesus promised to His followers.