Snippets | 2 Peter 1:8-11 “Faith’s motive”
This Sunday we will conclude the reason Peter wrote this letter we call 2 Peter. In this letter Peter addressed his words to a church was very eager to grow in Christ and it was this that made them susceptible to false teachers. God has placed before the believer a “holy expectation” that the Christian will take His resources and obtaining the two objectives of: Knowing God and Being transformed into His likeness. Periodically we will need to do a self-examination as we:
- Define our ambitions
- Refine our goals
- Realign our efforts
We are too: “Finish out our faith by applying what God has furnished”! What follows is Peter supplying further inducements to further encourage believers to practice his exhortation of “growing in grace” 3:18. The goal for Peter is not just that the believer is saved but that they would both know and act as they are saved. The result of this is that they prove to themselves that their calling and election is assured! It is clear that God wants the believer to understand that “The Christian will not be able to function as He has created them UNTIL and UNLESS they are certain of His lasting love”.
Saints, I’ve been so personally challenged in my faith in this study I pray you have been as well. This Sunday we will be enjoying communion together; I welcome you to join us in person at both of our service at 9 AM and 11AM. Or you can watch us live at those same two times at two locations on the internet on our website and Facebook. If you aren’t able to watch live you can always come back at a better time and watch the archived messages. One final reminder and that us please remember that you can both send and receive prayers by signing up at
Alright family let’s get ready to have another encounter with the living God.
This has been pastor Dale, Blessings!