
Snippets | 2 Peter 1:8-11 “Blessed Assurance”

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This Sunday we will look at Peter’s words to the first century church of their resources and objectives of the Christian life was because these first century Christians were eager to grow in Christ that it made them susceptible to false teachers. Peter’s letter causes us to realize that our: Divine wealth is not given to us so that as Christians we can waste away the God given opportunities to grow and mature! Our examination of this letter causes us to understand that God has placed before the believer a “holy expectation” that the Christian will take the resources that have been specifically given us all things that pertain to obtaining the two objectives of: Knowing God and Being transformed into His likeness. The practicality of this passage is apparent as we can measure our maturity by self-examination as we do three things with of our faith:

A. Define our ambitions
B. Refine our goals
C. Realign our efforts

And if we discover discrepancies in our maturity we can better analyze why we are not obtaining the desired results of their faith by asking. “What do I lack?” “What do I need to put in harmony of my faith?” It is from these seven characteristics that we learn what maturity in the believer’s life will look like. I’m most challenged by the Greek word translated “diligence” as it means to: Make haste, be eager, to do ones best, to exert oneself. My challenge isn’t that I’m not diligent but rather that I’m NOT always diligent with the wealth and resources that God has provided for me to add to my faith! Peter has dealt with “What God has given and done for us” he then exhorted in verses 5-7 what God’s expectations were for those who have both the resources and objectives for the Christian life. To put it plainly we are too: “To finish out our faith by applying what God has furnished”! What follows in verses 8-11 is our response and it all culminates in verse 10 which is the hinge in which this whole letter opens and closes! “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble.”

Saints, this is a rich section of scripture and I’m certain you won’t want to miss it and the good news you won’t have too. You can join us this Sunday in person at both of our service at 9 AM and 11AM. Or you can watch us live at those same two times at two locations on the internet on our website and Facebook. If you aren’t able to watch live you can always come back at a better time and watch the archived messages. Also, this Sunday we will be enjoying a meal together after both of our services, so we look forward to breaking bread together this Sunday. One final reminder and that us please remember that you can both send and receive prayers by signing up at

Alright family let’s get ready to have another encounter with the living God.

This has been pastor Dale, Blessings!