
Snippets |2 Peter 1:1-2 “Making your calling and election sure Part 2”

Last Sunday we started a new study in the book of 2 Peter. We began our study with a general overview of the book. We examined the type of literature as well as what had led the author to write this letter to the original readers. We noted that satan’s work from the beginning has always been aimed at attacking faith and trust in God’s Word as we saw in in Genesis 3:1 where he craftily engendered the lie, “Has God indeed said…?” This Sunday we will further explore satan’s hatred of three important truths as Peter in the first 2 verses boldly proclaims three truths.

I’m excited to share it with you this Sunday, so let’s come with prepared hearts. So, join us this Sunday morning at 9AM and 11 AM or through Live Streaming by going to our Facebook page and clicking the link or by logging on at We also want to encourage you to set up a link on your own pages so that your friends can join you as well. And please don’t forget, you can also join us in prayer both in sending and receiving prayers by going on So, get your bibles out and get ready to have an encounter with the Living Lord, God Bless you all!