Root Words

Root Words | John 6:1-14 – The Lord’s Math

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In John Chapter 6, we are told the story of the feeding of 5,000 people. When we compare John’s account with that of the other three gospel writers, we discover that four proposals were brought forth (three by the disciples and one by Jesus) to solve the problem of feeding the people:

  1. Matthew 14:15 “Send the multitudes away”: Simply get rid of the problem by sending the people back home. The disciples had good reason for this suggestion as they were in a deserted place and it was getting late. But what the disciples saw as reasons to send people away, was the very reasons Jesus saw “to give them something to eat”. Their lack of action was Jesus’ reason FOR action.
  1. John 6:7 “Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may have a little.” Philip counted the cost and had come to the conclusion that even if they had 200 days’ wages it wouldn’t be enough to provide a snack for so many people. Philip’s suggestion sounds quite familiar doesn’t it, “If I just had enough money all my problems would be solved.” He saw resources were limited but he failed to account for the fact that our Lord owns some cattle on 1,000 hills. Ministry before money; not money before ministry!
  1. John 6:9 “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” Andrew’s solution was still counting but this time it was people instead of resources and there was a little boy with a little food. Andrew saw provisions but failed to see what the Master could do with so little when it was brought to Him. Our Lord always uses a little to accomplish a lot.
  1. Matthew 14:16 “You give them something to eat.” The correct solution came from Jesus. According to Mark, it was after Jesus told them that they were to give them something to eat that Andrew brought in the boy with the loaves and fishes and asked them how much they had. Our problem isn’t a lack of provisions it’s the failure of placing it in His hands. The Lord didn’t rebuke them; instead He showed them what He could do with what man cannot figure out if they will only bring it to Him. Jesus says, “What do you have? I’ll start with that”. I see three ways this meager meal was multiplied for the multitudes in verse 11:
  1. GIVE IT TO JESUS: “Jesus took the loaves!” Fellow Christians, the first step is always looking for that which Jesus has already provided and giving it to Him. We often hold out for more waiting for that which we can figure out instead of giving Jesus our five loaves and two fish.
  • GIVE THANKS: “He had given thanks!” Twice we are told in this chapter that Jesus gave thanks (verse 11, 23). When does a little become a lot? When we begin to realize that a little is a lot more than we deserve! We calculate the numbers and start thinking that we deserve better instead of realizing that we have already been blessed by what He has given.     
  • GIVE IT AWAY: “He distributed them to the disciples and the disciples to those sitting down…as much as they wanted”! When we look at our meager provisions and believe that they are not enough, we tend to hold on to them and not share them. The principle is this: multiplication can only happen when you take a little and multiply it by the willingness to distribute to others.


Pastor Dale