Root Words

Root Words | Romans 11:36 – Everything From and To God

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Romans 11:36 – “For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.”

Of Him and through Him are all things:

In the moment I realize this, my confidence in my knowledge, strength and sufficiency move to a second plane (or the last plane) as is not important anymore. My wisdom and strength are from the Lord. That removes an enormous weight of me.

When I get close to Him in a sincere manner, I will be broken, and I will keep His word and commandments. His word won’t be heavy to me but will be my joy. I will realize the things I need to change, and I will realize that I cannot do it by myself.

My relationship with Him will be different now and become this supreme amazingness for the living God. The Holy, the Saint, the Creator, Savior and Lord. I will be more in love of Him. I will be in a constant state of “ Wow!” as I acknowledge Him in everything and learn about Him in His word.

I want to be in His will, I want to be in His path. And I will ask God to not let me go right or left but His path only. He is the Lord of my life.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. What a wonderful peace brings to my heart. Nothing is from me. I am nothing. He is Everything.

Sometimes as human I tend to overthink and be overwhelmed but when I realize that Christ did everything for my salvation and He is working right now in my life, I just let everything flow as it is, and I will just pray to follow His will and I will start to worry about nothing. Remember, everything is His and nothing will happen out of His will. It is not about my understanding, It is not about my feelings, It is not my strength, it is not about me.

Knowing the attributes of God, knowing His character, His nature -His unchangeable nature- will lead me to love Him more and to love Him is to obey Him.

Is so simple that is difficult to explain it for me.

  1. God loves me and wants me to know Him
  2. I know Him. Therefore, I love Him. Therefore, I repent of my sin. Everything because He loves me and left the ninety-nine for me
  3. I want to be obedient and sanctified (that is God’s will anyways)

So, if I see this closely, EVRYTHING IS FROM HIM AND THROUGH HIM. I’m doing nothing

Now, my surrender is full. The will of God will be always done and for me to follow it I should:

  1. Surrender to Him and trust: My life, my ministry, my family, my work is His
  2. Die to myself and prioritize my time in God’s word and prayer
  3. Acknowledge and honor God in all that I do. Because is His will I’m doing = I’m doing nothing.

To Him are all things, to whom be glory forever

Everything is His and to Him. So, I should start giving all the glory to Him. Just have that in mind.

So, see you next time